Update on COVID-19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the College has been taking many measures to help prevent the spread of the virus, and is grateful to everyone who has been doing everything possible to help with this.

The College’s top priority is the health and safety of our students, staff, and the wider community. Everyone is encouraged to do what is best for their health and safety.

The College continues to be fully operational, and students are welcome to stay in residence in the College, continuing their studies here. The College is ready to respond appropriately and urgently should there be a suspicion or diagnosis of a COVID-19 case in the College.

For resident students who have been significantly adversely affected financially because of the pandemic, we have invited applications for help from the Student Support Fund we have created. Applications to the Student Support Fund from students in residence should be received by 4pm on Thursday 26 March.

To help students continue their studies online, we are moving this week to a one gigabit connection, which will enable all students to watch lectures online at the same time without any lag. Academic tutorials and other support for resident students will also continue.

Should a student wish to suspend their residence at the College because of the pandemic, they are free to do so without financial cost to the student. That is: despite the terms of your contract, you will not pay fees during the period after today during which you are not in residence during the pandemic. What this means in practice regarding fee payments and, in some cases, refunds will vary depending on individual circumstances.

Any student suspending their residence at the College should advise the Head of College in writing in advance of leaving. Please email the Head of College copying the Registrar. Any student who has already left and has not yet advised the Head of College (copying the Registrar) should do so now.

Any students choosing to suspend their residence are asked to clear their room fully in case it is needed while they are away. If students have already left and left items in their room, it may be necessary for the College to pack these up at a later date. All care will be taken.

We look forward to welcoming all students back to the College at appropriate dates. Please be in contact with the Registrar regarding your return date.

We will prepare “Frequently Asked Questions” covering more details in the next day or two.

In coming days we also anticipate developing a non-residential package open to students who have elected to suspend their residence at College to enable access to the academic program and other support offered by the College.

Every member of the College – like every member of the wider community – is urged in the strongest terms to continue to apply the hygiene and “social distancing” requirements which are essential to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. If you have any guests (e.g. a family member), they too must abide by these requirements in College (as well as in the wider community). This is the urgent responsibility of ALL of us.

The current pandemic, massive though it is, will not last forever. We will get through this together, and life, including College life, will return to normal.

As always – stay safe, and stay kind.